We've been making lots of decisions about the interior of the house. One of the best things is that we were able to create a second full bath out of the laundry room. We took all of our leftover travertine from our recent home bathroom remodel over and it should be enough to tile the shower in the original (really really teeny tiny) bathroom. The lovely blue tile is what it looked like "before". Can't wait to see the "after"!

We're also working on a major kitchen overhaul. We tore out everything, including the wall between the kitchen and the dining room. The chimney runs straight through the middle of the house, so we're building an island around it. Here's the wall "before" and the island layout "in between". I'm ordering cabinets sometime in the next week from Huntwood (
http://www.huntwood.com/ - we're doing Shaker style, cherry, sable color). When we get that all in, we'll have an "after". Still have to pick countertops, backsplashes, etc. We're waiting to hear whether we can save the original fir floors in the kitchen/dining room--there was some kind of 1950's flooring glued down, and the glue residue is pretty nasty.
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